Deactivate “Whole word” option by default in Visual Studio 2015

It can happen that the option "Whole word" will stay checked even after Visual Studio 2015 is relaunched. A simple registry key modification can fix this problem.


Just execute this .reg file to fix the problem :

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 

"AdornmentOptions"="MatchCase=0 WholeWord=0 Hidden=0 Up=0 Selection=0 Block=0 KeepCase=0 SubFolders=0 KeepOpen=0 NameOnly=0 Append=0 Plain Document Find"

Or simply execute this PowerShell command :

New-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\Find" -Name "AdornmentOptions" -Value "MatchCase=0 WholeWord=0 Hidden=0 Up=0 Selection=0 Block=0 KeepCase=0 SubFolders=0 KeepOpen=0 NameOnly=0 Append=0 Plain Document Find" -PropertyType String -Force -Verbose

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